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I used to feel guilty charging for what I’m worth!
I absolutely love what I do as a Life Accelerator Coach and Healer & I have no guilt being massively compensated in helping my soulmate clients transform their lives!!!
My work is of such high service and is worthy of massive compensation and I am so worth it!
It isn’t always the case though.
In the past, I’ve always doubted myself if there’s anyone who would pay me to work with me for the amount of money I thought for my services I’m worth so I would lower my price so much that it devalues my work and it hurts.
In the past, I’ve always felt guilty to charge for my zone of genius so I would give it all freely.
I didn’t feel good enough to get paid for my work.I didn’t feel good enough to run transformational events.
I didn’t feel Good enough to lead or show up in my business.I didn’t feel good enough to share my stories.
I’ve always thought of what other people would think or say and let it run my life...
Not anymore!!!
I fully embrace and own myself and my genius, that I am good enough and worthy enough to get paid for my services!I got to work...
I committed to my healing journey and released all the ancestral vows of poverty, betrayal, all kinds of trauma such as sexual trauma and financial trauma, etc.
I was willing to get uncomfortable and faced my worst fears and went to my deepest, darkest places so I can shine a light on them with the help of healers and coaches that I worked with (whom I know were sent to me by my guides, and all of them had said that I am a very powerful healer) so that I, in turn can serve my soul aligned clients in the most powerful way possible…
One of the things I've done to help me is to embrace my shadows fully and completely- guilt and feeling not good enough being one of them as the biggest shadows that has always haunted me since I was a child. Embodying my human design as a projector helped me tremendously in embracing my shadows.
Because I know that I can only serve others in a powerful way coming from a place of love and wholeness and freedom from all of the “baggages ” I had.
I take my clients to their deepest, darkest places in order to help them heal and own their power so that they too can serve their soul aligned clients in the most powerful way possible.
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